Adult English

Univision English Class is suitable for all those who want to improve their spoken English and improve their quality of life in New Zealand.
Tutor introduction: Bella
She is an English teacher, graduated from Shanghai International Studies University and the University of Sydney. Bella worked as a middle school English and bilingual mathematics teacher in China. After coming to New Zealand, she has been teaching English to new immigrants for many years. She sincerely hopes to study happily with everyone and experience Chinese life in New Zealand together.
Come join our courses, let’s improve your English speaking skills and enjoy a better life together!

Dates: 25/6/2024-27/8/2024, 10 classes

Time: Tuesday 10:00-12:00

Tuition: Donation fee is $120

Address: 3 Campbell Rd, Royal Oak 1061 (entrance on Mount Smart Road, opposite KFC Road)

Contact details

If you are interested in the program, please feel free to reach out by phone, WeChat, email, or visit our website to browse and inquire.
WeChat: Univision-Emily
Tel: 09-6241341


Univision English Class is suitable for all those who want to improve their spoken English and improve their quality of life in New Zealand.

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