Adult Guitar

Univision Musical Instrument Course is taught in small classes, and the teacher will tailor it according to the students’ preferences and needs. Various types of guitars can be used, so that each student can achieve full success through learning and gain a lot!


Class Date: 26/7/2024-27/9/2024, 10 lessons

Time: 10:00-20:00 every Friday (half-hour or one-hour courses are arranged during this time period)


Class Date: 28/7/2024-29/9/2024, 10 lessons
Time: 16:00-18:30 every Sunday (half-hour or one-hour courses are arranged during this time period)


Tuition: 2 or more persons class $30/h per person;

one-to-one class $60/h per person.

Class location: 3 Campbell Road, Royal Oak, Auckland 1061 (entrance on Mount Smart Road, opposite KFC Road)

Contact Details

If you are interested in the program, please feel free to reach out by phone, WeChat, email, or visit our website to browse and inquire.
WeChat: Univision-Emily
Tel: 09-6241341

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