Adult 《Toolbox》Parenting Class

Sociologists, clinical psychologists and educators have come to the unanimous conclusion through empirical investigation that parents are the most important factor in shaping their children’s lives, and their influence on their children’s future is far greater than that of schools and anyone else. This course is based on the methods and principles obtained through empirical investigation to help parents cultivate high-emotional intelligence children who are happy throughout their lives through systematic strategies and techniques.

As the saying goes, “Proper discipline can make an ordinary child successful, but improper discipline will destroy a genius. To be a competent parent, your growth must always be one step ahead of your children.”

Why take parent classes?

Everyone learns how to be a parent after having children. If we don’t learn, our growth may always be behind the needs of our children’s physical and mental growth;
After learning, parents will better understand the growth needs of their children at different stages, so that they can guide their children in an appropriate way and gain their respect and trust;
After learning, parents will feel more secure and more peaceful because they understand their children, and their children will also get more nourishment and mature faster.


2024 Term 3《Toolbox》Parenting Class introduction

Eastern Class

Date: 7/8/2024-25/9/2024, 8 classes

Time: Wednesday 10:00-12:30

Age: Parents have 12-18yrs old children

Tuition: $104 per term

Location:Highland Park Community House (47 Aviemore Drive, Highland Park, Auckland)


Zoom online class

Date: 10/8/2024-14/9/2024, 6 classes

Time: Saturday 19:00-21:30

Age: Parents have 6-12yrs old children

Tuition: $85 per term

Location:Zoom Meeting

Contact details

If you are interested in the program, please feel free to reach out by phone, WeChat, email, or visit our website to browse and inquire.
WeChat: Univision-Emily
Tel: 09-6241341

Enroll now
East Auckland, Zoom Meeting

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