Adult Street Jazz Dance

Street Jazz (Street Jazz) has the dual elements of hip-hop and jazz dance. It integrates the free and unrestrained style of the street into jazz dance, combining the flexibility of jazz dance and the fortitude of hip-hop dance. It can be said that it is a diversified dance and a free dance with a very personal style to interpret the dancer’s feeling of music. Street jazz dance is easy to learn, and many parts of the body can be exercised, which has many benefits for enhancing body coordination, balancing the center of gravity, relaxing muscles, and strengthening bones.

This course is suitable for students of all ages and levels.

Saturday Class

Date: 27/7/2024-28/9/2024, 10 classes in total

Class time: Saturday 17:30-18:30

Class address: Old Dance Room, Silver Road, Epsom Girls Grammar School

Tuition: The donation fee for non-profit courses is $100.


Saturday Performance Class (Designed for the Mid-Autumn Festival performance on September 8th)

Date: 27/7/2024-7/9/2024, 7 classes in total

Class time: Saturday 18:30-19:30

Class address: Old Dance Room, Silver Road, Epsom Girls Grammar School

Tuition: The donation fee for non-profit courses is $70.


Sunday Class

Date: 28/7/2024-29/9/2024, 10 classes in total

Class time: Sunday 11:00-12:00

Class address: G11 Dance Room (Joyce Fisher Sports Centre), Silver Road, Epsom Girls Grammar School

Tuition: The donation fee for non-profit courses is $100.

Contact details

If you are interested in the program, please feel free to reach out by phone, WeChat, email, or visit our website to browse and inquire.
WeChat: Univision-Emily
Tel: 09-6241341

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